So I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a couple days ago. It was a good movie. I haven't seen a good movie in awhile (last one I saw was Birth with Nicole Kidman. All I can say is, what a complete waste of my time. I wonder why such a good actress like Nikki Kidman would play in a crap of a movie like that). Johnny Depp was astounding. That guy amazes me. He can play any role. I'd see him over Tom Cruise at any time.
Have you ever noticed that Tom Cruise's role is either an angry man or an angry man? Waittaminute. His role is always an angry man. Can you say, I wanna see a new facial expression please?
The mind is the center of all processes for all humans, as the sun is the center of the universe. You kill the mind, you terminate life. You feel with the mind, not with the heart.
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