Thursday, September 08, 2005

Test Tubes and Experiments

"There is an opening in our college for a lab assistant. I'm one of the many people who applied.
We're in white lab coats. We're in a laboratory (the one when I was in college in real life). Test tubes are being distributed. The guy asked me to distribute the test tubes and check off the names after. My grade school classmates are there, as well as my college ones.

One of my classmates is burning soil for an experiment. As he calls it "charring the soil."
I'm able to do part of the experiment. I have my four test tubes with yellow agar in it.

The last scene is, everybody finishes their experiments but me because I was the one who had to distribute materials to everybody. The guy (who's supposed to be the asst. supervisor) says that I might still be able to make the cut coz I was able to do the important part of the experiment. I was able to produce the comppund "chlorirase". Somehow, I'm still a bit discouraged."

This dream was last Sept. 7. Blogger was down yesterday. I haven't been sleeping well lately. It's harder for me to remember my dreams in the morning. I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't get back to sleep. When it's time to wake up, I feel so tired and sleepy. I'm pretty sure I dreamed last night, but I couldn't remember what it was about because of lack of sleep.

The common team in my recent dreams is the laboratory environment.


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