"I'm upstairs in our house in the country. There is a closet there. It's the closet that we had when I was a kid in reality. I opened the closet and go inside. There is shelf in the closet that has a lot of stuff on it. One is very small baby shoe (I think it's the left foot), size of a quarter. It has "T-Fridays" written on it. I see an older picture of our family. I can see my mom smiling. I thought "I remember that picture." I see another picture of our family, first I see only part of it because it's behind another picture frame. It says "Our family in the 70's" or something like that. As I slowly move it so I can see it better, I am expecting to see myself in the photo, but I'm not there. I thought "I'm not there because I wasn't born yet." I also see a black n' white picture of my older sister. She's so pretty there, I think it's taken in the 70s too. I see an older pix of my cousin, in the 70s too. She's so pretty.
Then my mom came. She brings a basket of "suman" (rice cake) for us to eat."
When I woke up from this dream, I felt so lonely. I miss my family so much. I miss home. It's been awhile since we all got together. It really breaks my heart.
One thing that I notice in this dream is: myself not being in the pictures. I think it reflects the way I feel. I feel I'm not being part of our family because of the distance. The way that I long to see myself in the pictures denotes my yearning to be with them in reality.
Okay, I'm not saying that this is freaky but last weekend, two days after I dreamt about Kelly Clarkson and her "Since You've Been Gone" song, I saw her at MTV 2005 (it was a rerun). I saw her performing that song. Coincedence or not?
I have even forgotten that I dreamt about her and that song. I only remembered when I visited my blog today.
I know that one cannot dream future events... unless you're Nostradamus.
It's probably just a coincedence. I will definitely track occurences like this. It's very interesting.
"I'm with my brother, sister and friend. We go to a war-torn country to visit our cousin who works for the army. As we arrive to the site, we see a lot of people, soldiers, slaves. I can smell the stench of people not bathing for awhile. Another scene... I'm walking, I'm singing "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson, then a blond young woman who's sipping some drink sitting, asks me who sang that song, I said "Kelly Clarkson." I looked at the young woman more intently and she's Kelly Clarkson! She's just testing me."
I have had a few dreams already where I hear songs. Do the songs have meanings? "Woman in Chains?" "Since You've Been Gone?" I can't say that they're songs that I couldn't get out of my head. "Woman in Chains" I haven't heard in years. "Since You've Been Gone" I haven't heard weeks ago. Why do they play in my dreams? Are they trying to tell me something? Or they're just merely soundtracks?
I had a crappy, crappy day yesterday. Too many bad news in one day. This was my dream:
"I'm driving my car. I followed a group of student teenagers. I hear they're going to Shakey's (I love Shakey's, but we don't have it here). We've been driving for about an hour, an hour and a half. We come to a town called "Duncan."
I go inside Shakey's to order a pizza and chicken. I'm reading the menu and the prize for a 5 piece chicken with potato is $17.74.
My order is finished. I'm paying the cashier. He said I owe him $97.90 (?). Whoa! I ask him to check again, my pizza is a cheeseburger pizza. It's $26.90. I thought that's a freakin' expensive pizza. So he checks again, and he did make a mistake. It's not clear if I got the pizza or not.
In my dream I'm thinking, this is pretty far to drive to get a Shakey's pizza, but I'm going to anyway."
Since I had a very crappy day yesterday, in my dream, I drove for a very long distance, much like what I could've done in real life, although I can't coz the prize of gas is outrageous nowadays.
I searched for a restaurant where I used to eat as a kid, and it always made me feel better. In my dream, I did find it, like searching for comfort food.
It's great that in my dreams, I can do things that I can't do in real life to cope with life's unpleasantness. As an adult, there are so many things that we can't do nowadays because of responsibilities and time limitations. Even coping with our negative emotions becomes a privilege. We become numb and try to live life as nothing is affecting our emotions. But in our dreams, we can't lie. In my dreams, I am human.
"There seems to be a happening going on. A parade or something, I'm not really sure. I'm inside an office of some sort. It appears that I'm working there as a favor for someone. The office is white, with glass sliding doors. I run out. I go inside a building that is being constructed. It's very dusty. While I'm walking, water fountains spray on me. The water makes the dust on the floorboards muddy. I jump around, from fountains to fountains.
While I'm there, I'm listening to a radio show. Oprah Winfrey is on the radio. She's promoting a skin product, and she kept saying my first name on the radio, over and over. She must've said it 7 times or so. Then all of a sudden, Oprah is there in person, I ask here if the person she's referring to in the ad is indeed me. She says yes. I say, I hope she'll say my last name coz nobody would know if that indeed was me (although my name is quite unique, If you search in on the internet, you'll only find one, and that's me).
Next scene, my aunt is there, she's holding a notebook of some sort, and she said, she'll hire me, and pay me.
Another scene... Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith (Tears for Fears) are in there. They appear to be some sort of royal chaps. "Woman in Chains" is playing in the background. They sure dress like it. Barry Manilow is there as well. He's supposed to pretend that he's our butler. He becomes upset, I can't remember why. He says something like, he's only doing this as a favor and blah, blah, blah. He says something like, English (the language) is stupid because it has feminine and masculine words. He rides his black bicycle with his umbrella. I can see the brown dust while he does that.)"
I know why Barry Manilow is bitching like that in my dream. I took my French Test yesterday, got my scores and the anvil fell on me. I only needed one more measly point to reach the cut-off score to the level of proficiency that I was aiming for. As we all know, French has masculine and feminine words.
They say that when you dream of fountains, they represent great joy or increased sensitivity. Well, yesterday was a very special occasion and we celebrated.
I'm not sure why Oprah was calling my name. They say that when you dream someone calling your name, you are in tune your spirituality. Hmm... I dunno about that. Maybe in tune with my subconcious, but I don't think I'm a very spiritual person.
Ahh... After a few days of not remembering my dream, I am starting to remember again. I was having insomnia the past few weeks and now I started sleeping better. I started going to the gym. Have a hot shower at home, and by the time I finish, my body is so tired and sleepy. So if you're having trouble sleeping, I suggest that you work it out, not necessarily go to the gym but tire yourself out physically and you may sleep better.
I saw the Dalai Lama speak a few years ago and he said the best meditation is sleeping. Heck, I love meditation!!! I've been doing it for a very long time and still loving it!!!
"There is an opening in our college for a lab assistant. I'm one of the many people who applied. We're in white lab coats. We're in a laboratory (the one when I was in college in real life). Test tubes are being distributed. The guy asked me to distribute the test tubes and check off the names after. My grade school classmates are there, as well as my college ones. One of my classmates is burning soil for an experiment. As he calls it "charring the soil." I'm able to do part of the experiment. I have my four test tubes with yellow agar in it.
The last scene is, everybody finishes their experiments but me because I was the one who had to distribute materials to everybody. The guy (who's supposed to be the asst. supervisor) says that I might still be able to make the cut coz I was able to do the important part of the experiment. I was able to produce the comppund "chlorirase". Somehow, I'm still a bit discouraged."
This dream was last Sept. 7. Blogger was down yesterday. I haven't been sleeping well lately. It's harder for me to remember my dreams in the morning. I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't get back to sleep. When it's time to wake up, I feel so tired and sleepy. I'm pretty sure I dreamed last night, but I couldn't remember what it was about because of lack of sleep.
The common team in my recent dreams is the laboratory environment.
"I'm with a group of girlfriends (unknown). We're supposed to be on holidays in a hotel of some sort. The news comes that there will be a huge flooding and hurricane. So we're scrambling to get in the cars to drive away. One of my supposed to be girlfriends (uknown to me, who's being a bitch) wants to go home to hawaii. I tell her to the effect that it's not a good idea since the hurricane might be passing by there. I ask her why she wants to go there, and she says 'To sleep.'" Why did I dream this? I think I dreamt about this because of the recent devastation of New Orleans from Katrina. In my dreams, I played one of the people who were scrambling to save herself from the hurricane. I don't know why the word "Hawaii" was mentioned in my dream, though. I haven't seen or heard anything about hawaii.
The mind is the center of all processes for all humans, as the sun is the center of the universe. You kill the mind, you terminate life. You feel with the mind, not with the heart.